
August 2024

20 Years For Nikki!- August saw Nikki Linder celebrate 20 years with Active Cleaning. Nikki has been integral to Actives success and has overseen many of the developments and challenges Active has faced. We are delighted to recognise and celebrate this milestone with her. Congratulations and thank you.

July 2024

Active Cleaning & Karcher Vacuums!- As part of Active Cleanings 'Best Practice' review, Karcher vacuums will continue to be used at all client locations. Feedback from employees on ease of use and durability was very positive, which made this an easy decision. Thank you to all those who took part in the review.

June 2024

Lowest Number of Vacancies On Record!- The success of Active's recruitment procedures, has meant the year to June 24 has been the most successful year in both retaining and recruiting employees. This is a direct result of the continued investment in our recruitment system and the hard work that goes on behind the scenes to support our front line teams. Well done to everyone involved.

May 2024

Turnover Back To Pre Pandemic Levels!- The year ending 31st March 2024 saw Active Cleaning's turnover return to the pre pandemic levels. It has been a challenging period with both profits and turnover down. The counter intuitive decision to investment in our people during this period has been key to retaining both employees and customers. Thank you and well done everyone for your hard work and support!

April  2024

National Minimum Wage Increase!- April 1st 2024 sees the National living wage increase by 9.79% to £11.44 per hour for everyone 21 or over. As everyone knows, all employees at Active Cleaning, regarless of age, receive a minimum of £11.44 per hour. 

March 2024

Manchester Cleaning Show!- This years Cleaning Show held 13/14th March in Manchester proved a great success, with several new industry contacts made. From robotic cleaners to 'Smart' water chemical free cleaning, it was grteat to see our industry is embracing innovation and challenging traditional cleaning methodologies.

February 2024

Gender Pay Gap!- Here are the eagerly anticipated Gender Pay Gap figures for last year. Thank you Nikki.

Date - 05/04/2023

Mean gender pay gap 11.1
Median gender pay gap 4.5
Mean bonus gender pay gap 0
Median bonus gender pay gap 0
Proportion males rec bonus 0
Proportion females rec bonus 0
Male Quartile 1 Percentage 27.1
Female Quartile 1 Percentage 72.9
Male Quartile 2 Percentage 19.8
Female Quartile 2 Percentage 80.2
Male Quartile 3 Percentage 15.1
Female Quartile 3 Percentage 84.9
Male Quartile 4 Percentage 17.1
Female Quartile 4 Percentage 82.9

For every £1 the median man earns, the median woman earns £0.95

January 2024

Quality Management Certification Maintained!- Active Cleaning have again secured continued certification to the ISO9001:2015 Quality Management Standard following our recent external assessment. Congratulations to everyone.

December 2023                                                      

Largest Client Extends Contract Again!- Active Cleanings largest client has confirmed a two year service extension. This is great news for everyone involved and another vote of confidence in the excellent service that Active Cleaning provide. 

November 2023                                                      

Safecontractor Accreditation!- Active Cleaning have again secured our Health & Safety accreditation to the Alcumus Safecontractor scheme. The scheme is an independent external assessment of our safety systems, and accreditation demonstrates our continued compliance to current legislation. Well done everyone!

October 2023                                                      

Community Investment Continues!- This years community donation from Active Cleaning, went to support the Sherburn In Elmet Ladies Development Football Team. We wish them every success in the season ahead.

September 2023                                                      

Positive News For Sales Team! - Active Cleaning are delighted to announce the appointment of Jamie Bingle as our new Sales Manager. Reporting to the General Manager, Jamie joins the Senior Management Team and has already had a positive impact, with new clients choosing Active as their cleaning contractor.

August 2023                                                      

Top Figures For Recruitment! - In the cleaning industry, where recruitment is a daily challenge for our management teams, Active Cleaning have achieved consistent and measurable improvements in the recruitment and retention of staff, with the number of vacancies in August achieving a 20 year all time low. This shows our systems and procedures, from the daily monitoring and the vetting of staff, to management interviewing and appointing promptly, our management teams together with our quality systems are industry leading. Congratulations and well done everyone!

July 2023                                                      

Small Change Makes Big Impact for Everyone! - Following a positive trial by Active Management during July, the company has changed from using paper, to cloth, vacuum bags in all Karcher vacuums. The feedback from our cleaners during the trial was overwhelmingly positive as the new cloth bags  lasted longer, meaning less time spent changing bags and less waste to dispose of. Thank you to all of those involved in the trial, you've made a positive impact for all your colleagues.

June 2023                                                      

New Vehicles Across The Fleet! - Following a continued programme of investment into the business, all vehicles have this month been replaced for Actives operational management. When asked about this significant additional investment, Chloe Creel replied, "Investing in our people by giving them the best tools to do the job, is a crucial element in providing a consistent quality service to our clients". 

May 2023                                                      

More Investment In The Management Team! - Chloe Creel (General Manager) has again invested in the business infrastructure, with an additional Area Management for the South Yorkshire Area. Terri Stones has joined the team, and with her wealth of experience and new clients choosing Active Cleaning in the region, has hit the ground running. She is a welcome addition to the team and we all wish her every success in her new role.

April 2023                                                      

National Minimum Wage Passes £10 per hour! - The latest rise in the National Minimum Wage (NMW) rises from £9.50 to £10.42 per hour for anyone over the age of 23, effective 1st April 2023. Active Cleaning continue to buck the norm and pay the NMW to any employee regardless of age and in many cases significantly higher. 

March 2023                                                      

Expansion Brings More New Management! - The last few months have seen the largest ever increase in the management support team at Active. The investment in new operational management and the administrative support team, means our Area Managers have the lowest ratio of client sites to Area Managers across the industry, which allows us to provide an unrivalled service to our clients. Welcome to Luci Davies, Sarah Keeley & Amy Blackburn and we wish you every success in your new roles.

February 2023

Gender Pay Gap Annual Figures! - We are sure that the insomniacs amongst us will enjoy this years gender pay gap annual submission. As you know this is a legal requirement for all businesses to complete and publish, so happy reading and we hope you get some sleep! 

Date - 05/04/2022

Mean gender pay gap 6.3
Median gender pay gap 6.6
Mean bonus gender pay gap 0
Median bonus gender pay gap 0
Proportion males rec bonus 0
Proportion females rec bonus 0
Male Quartile 1 Percentage 26.2
Female Quartile 1 Percentage 73.8
Male Quartile 2 Percentage 17.8
Female Quartile 2 Percentage 82.2
Male Quartile 3 Percentage 19.8
Female Quartile 3 Percentage 80.2
Male Quartile 4 Percentage 19.0
Female Quartile 4 Percentage 81.0

For every £1 the median man earns, the median woman earns £0.93

January 2023

New Year Brings Record Sales Success! - A staggering number of new clients were started in January 2023. This was an excellent effort by all departments, particularly Operations, and is a glowing testament to the people and robust quality systems Active use to deliver our service to clients.  

December 2022

Health & Safety Doesn't Stop At Christmas!  - Whilst the Christmas festivities were in full swing, Active Cleaning were hard at work ensuring our commitment to Health & Safety to all our employees and clients was being applied correctly. Our membership after annual external assessment of our documentation to the Avetta Consortium was retained. Well done to everyone & Happy Christmas.

November 2022

Sales Team Changes! - After 9 years of the same personnel, November sees the change in our sales team for the first time. The call of a new challenge in a different industry sector proved too much to say no to. Thank you for everything, and we wish you every success in your new ventures. 

October 2022

NHS National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness 2021! -  The November 4th 2022 deadline for adopting the new standards of cleanliness within healthcare settings have been introduced to all Active Cleaning clients. After considerable input from all stakeholders both internally and externally, Actives new functional risk based assessment to our cleaning service delivery has been widely welcomed by existing and new clients. 

September 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Certified ISO9001:2015! - Active Cleaning have once again secured certification to the ISO9001:2015 Quality Management Standard. Active's Continuous Improvement Programme was instrumental in achieving the certification. Congratulations to all employees.

August 2022

Safecontractor Accreditation Secured! - Active Cleaning have again secured accreditation to the Safecontractor standard for Health & Safety procedures. This externally assessed certification by Alcumus continues to be the benchmark for contractors and suppliers to the cleaning industry. Well done everyone!

July 2022

New General Manager Appointed! - Active Cleaning have appointed Chloe Creel as General Manager for the business. Chloe has been with the company for over 10 years working across all departments within the business and we wish her every success in driving the busienss forward in the coming years.

June 2022

Avetta Certification Maintained! - Active Cleaning have retained our Safety certification and continue to demonstrate our credibility in meeting the Avetta criteria, and be recognised as a safe supplier to Lafarge Tarmac and other clients.

May 2022

Continuous Improvement Pays Off! - Admittedly improving systems and procedures for our employees and clients may not grab many headlines, yet it does make sure we are delivering a quality driven service in a professional manner. This is reflected in the statistics for employee and customer retention, which despite a pandemic have continually improved. People clearly like working for and with us, so a big thank you to all the team as small improvements really do make a difference!

April 2022

National Living Wage Rate Increases! The National Living Wage rate increases from 1st April 2022 to £9.50 per hour. Whilst the Minimum Wage Act 1998 allows companies to pay less than this to employees under the age of 23, Active Cleaning Ltd pay £9.50 to all employees as a minimum. We stand by the old adage of  'if you're good enough, you're old enough' and encourage the rest of the cleaning industry to do the same!

March 2022

20 Years - Happy Anniversary! - Active have completed 20 years of trading since Adam & Carolyn started the business in 2002. Thank you to everyone for their support and commitment in the journey to making Active Cleaning Ltd one of the leading cleaning companies in our industry. Happy Anniversary!

February 2022

Gender Pay Gap Annual Statistics! - Active are obliged to publish figures from payroll for the Government showing Gender Pay Gap data. For anyone wanting to get to sleep quickly, this is a riveting read!

Date - 05/04/2021

Mean gender pay gap 9.5
Median gender pay gap 2.9
Mean bonus gender pay gap 0
Median bonus gender pay gap 0
Proportion males rec bonus 0
Proportion females rec bonus 0
Male Quartile 1 Percentage 25.9
Female Quartile 1 Percentage 74.1
Male Quartile 2 Percentage 15.8
Female Quartile 2 Percentage 84.2
Male Quartile 3 Percentage 15.8
Female Quartile 3 Percentage 84.2
Male Quartile 4 Percentage 22.1
Female Quartile 4 Percentage 77.9

For every £1 the median man earns, the median woman earns £0.97

January 2022

New Year Sees New Clients Choose Active! - The New Year has started positivley for Active with a flurry of activity from sales, resulting in 4 new clients saying Yes to Active in January so far. 

December 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    COVID Impact on Active! - COVID continues to impact everyone and Active Cleaning has completed its own review of how it has impacted the business to date. The headline numbers from the review are:- Sadly 106 Employees lost their jobs. 21 Clients closed thier offices permanently and Turnover reduced by 19%. The good news is we have a significant number of loyal customers and staff and we anticipate 2022 being a more positive year. Happy Christmas to everyone.

November 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      National insurance Rise Announced! - The Government has announced a rise in the rate of National Insurance (NI) of 1.25% from April 2022. This will impact everyone earning over £823.00 per month and all businesses. It will be for 12 months, after which time the NI rate will drop to its current rate and the extra tax will be collected as a Health and Social Care Levy. Oh joy                                                                                                 

October 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sales Team Return To Active! - October sees the Sales team returned to work afer 18 months away from the business on furlough. A warm welcome back to Fiona and Nicola who like countless others, have been climbing the walls with frustration at beig furloughed. With such a long time without any sales in the business, Active is looking forward to the new opportunities this brings. Good Luck ladies.                                

September 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Furlough Ending!- The Furlough Scheme, officially known as the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, was introduced in April 2020 and ends 30th September 2021. We look forward to welcoming back those clients and employees still on furlough. Active recognise returning to work after such a long absence maybe be a big change for some people and urge anyone experiencing difficulties to contact your Active Cleaning Manager to discuss your situation and help you transition back to work.

August 2021

COVID-19 Self Isolation Rule Change Eases Pressure on Cleaning Operations - The Governments change to COVID-19  self isolation rules on the 16th August, meant anyone in England that had been fully vaccinated (doubled jabbed), no longer needed to self isolate. This had a significant and immediate impact for cleaning staff being able to work and management time arranging cover. Prior to the 16th August Active Cleanings Operations team have managed and responded to over 300 weeks of employees self isolating. Thank you to the entire management team and those employees who have worked 'above and beyond' often at very short notice to ensure our cleints have continued to recieve a cleaning service and provide a safe environment for thier staff. Well done everyone.

July 2021

Client Requests 'The Real Living Wage' For All Cleaners - A leading Leeds based client has requested all cleaners at their offices are paid The Real Living Wage (£9.50ph) from July not just the National Living Wage. Active Cleaning were delighted to support this move. 

June 2021

Health & Safety Accreditation Secure! - Active Cleaning has been successful in it's annual external assessment of it's Health & Safety policies and procedures. Alcumus who operate the Safecontractor scheme have awarded Active Cleaning continued accreditation to the scheme. We are delighted that in these challenging times, the health, safety and welfare of colleagues and clients remains at the forefront of the service we offer. Well done everyone!

May 2021

Gamechanger Against COVID! - Zonitise kills COVID and protects for up to 60 days! See for yourself, click the link below.

                                                                                     ZONITISE GAMECHANGER VIDEO

April 2021

AnnuaL Gender Pay Gap Data - It's that time again, (however please don't get too overexcited) here are this years figures taken directly from payroll. Happy reading!

​​​​​​​Date 05/04/202

​​​​​​​Mean gender pay gap 11.8
Median gender pay gap 5.6
Mean bonus gender pay gap 0
Median bonus gender pay gap 0
Proportion males rec bonus 0
Proportion females rec bonus 0
Male Quartile 1 Percentage 28.0
Female Quartile 1 Percentage 72.0
Male Quartile 2 Percentage 19.0
Female Quartile 2 Percentage 81.0
Male Quartile 3 Percentage 15.9
Female Quartile 3 Percentage 84.1
Male Quartile 4 Percentage 18.4
Female Quartile 4 Percentage 81.6

For every £1 the median man earns, the median woman earns £0.94

March 2021

Health & Safety Remains Active Priority - Active Cleaning are delighted to confirm we have been vetted and approved by Avetta. This demonstrates our committed to improving the safety of everyone in the business. Well done everyone.

February 2021

Road Map Help To Return To Work! - Following the Governments Road Map announcement, Active Cleaning have invested in Zonitise, a laboratory proven antimicrobial coating, delivered via an antistatic gun to any surface which directly inhibits the growth of bacteria. We believe this is the best way to help clients provide a safe working environment and support their employees when returning to work. Zonitise is proven to protect against COVID-19 for up to 60 days!

January 2021 Lockdown 3 Sparks New Closures - Several clients have closed their offices and are now working from home following the latest lockdown announcement. All staff impacted have been furloughed again and we hope to have everyone back once restrictions are lifted.

December 2020

New School Contracts! - Active have been awarded new school contacts despite COVID-19. Our COVID-19 cleaning plan has proved effective and appealing to new clients. Well done and Happy Christmas to everyone!

November 2020

Quality Management Accreditation! Active Cleaning were externally assessed against the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management standard this month and secured continued accreditation. Well done everyone involved.

October 2020

COVID-19 Impact Hits Business! Active Cleaning lost several clients in October, as some chose to work from home permanently and in some cases sadly had to close their business entirely due to the impact of the pandemic. With colleagues and clients losing their jobs at this uncertain time, we wish them all the very best for the future.

September 2020

Schools Reopening Spark Client Returns! The number of clients planning to return to thier offices in September, is the highest number in the last 3 months. Early indications for October are also encouraging for the remaining clients to return. As the Job Retention Scheme ends at the end of October, this is welcome news for those employees still on furlough.

August 2020

Furlough Changes Start! August sees the start of the furlough scheme changes with National Insurance and Pension Contributions being paid by the employer. With the trading uncertainties surrounding many businesses at the moment Active Cleaning have chosen to adopt all these costs and not pass them on to our clients.

July 2020

Hand Washing Kills COVID-19! In these uncertain times it is reassuring that we can look after ourselves by following the rules. The Global Handwashing Partnership recently detailed advice and guidance on the reasons why hand washing remained our best defence against viruses. This has been the advice from day 1 of this pandemic and we urge everyone to continue to do this as part of their personal hygiene routines. You can read the full article on their website at https://globalhandwashing.org/how-washing-hands-with-soap-destroys-the-coronavirus/

June 2020

Clients Start To Return! Following the Governments announcement to ease the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, clients are returning to their offices. Active has developed and is following a 'Service Resumption Procedure' to ensure the safety and protection of everyone remains the overriding priority.

May 2020

Health & Safety Accreditation Maintained! Following the external annual assessment of Active Cleaning's procedures by Alcumus, we have been successful in maintaining accreditation to the Safecontractor Health & Safety scheme. Well done everyone.

April 2020

Gender Pay Gap Figures Published! All companies are obliged to publish their Gender Pay Gap figures every year. The figures detailed below are from Active Cleaning Ltd payroll data submitted to HMRC.

Mean gender pay gap - 4.4
Median gender pay gap -1.2
Mean bonus gender pay gap - 0
Median bonus gender pay gap - 0
Proportion males rec bonus - 0
Proportion females rec bonus - 0
Male Quartile 1 Percentage - 28.6
Female Quartile 1 Percentage - 71.4
Male Quartile 2 Percentage - 17.0
Female Quartile 2 Percentage - 83.0
Male Quartile 3 Percentage - 34.8
Female Quartile 3 Percentage - 65.2
Male Quartile 4 Percentage - 13.6
Female Quartile 4 Percentage - 86.4

For every £1 the median man earns, the median woman earns £1.01

30th March 2020

Advice Remains Follow Public Health England! All employees are continuing to be directed to the Public Health England (PHE) website for information and guidance on the COVID-19 outbreak. This is the primary source of information Active Cleaning are using and we urge all employees to follow the guidance. The PHE web address is https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england

17th March 2020

Government Commence Daily Briefings! Yesterday the government started their daily briefings in response to the escalation of the COVID-19 virus. The full range of measures announced can be found at:

This National Emergency is a constantly evolving situation and the next phase of the awareness campaign reiterates the importance of seeking help online by visiting NHS.UK/coronavirus to check your symptoms and follow the medical advice, rather than visiting a GP.

Active are working with both employees and customers to allow businesses to follow the current advice which is not close unless advised to do so by the local Public Health England Health Protection Team or the government.

12th March 2020
COVID-19 Delay Phase Confirmed! The UK Chief Medical Officers have now raised the risk to the UK from moderate to high and has announced that we are moving out of the containment and into delay phase.

The advice to slow the spread of infection is that anyone who shows symptoms to self-isolate for 7 days, regardless of whether they have travelled to affected areas. We ask all our employees to review and follow this advice.

9th March 2020

Safety Alerts Sent To All Employees! All emloyees were issued with the latest Public Health England (PHE) advice and guidence surrounding the COVID-19 virus. The web address is: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england

6th March 2020

Active Cleaning Action Plan Established! As a response to the spread of the COVID-19 virus Active have completed an initial action plan, with the priority being to safeguard our customers and employees. Information will be updated and communicated as appropriate over the coming days and weeks as we continue to monitor the accelerated spread of the virus. As a company we are continuing to follow the Public Health England (PHE) latest advice which today remains 'business as usual'.

February 2020

Coronavirus! - Last month on the 31st January 2020 saw the first cases of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) were confirmed in the UK. Active like many organisations are closely following the spread of the virus and aim to provide the latest information and advice as necessary. At the moment the advice is wash your hands regularly as this will help prevent the spread of the virus.

January 2020

Happy New Year As New Clients Choose Active! - The new year started positively with several new clients making the change to Active Cleaning as their new chosen supplier. A warm welcome is extended to all those new employees that have joined us recently.

December 2019

High Speed internet Arrives! - Santa came early for Active Cleaning this year, with the Leeds Head Office going live with it's own new 100mb Fixed Line broadband service. This means the cloud based operating systems used by Active and the general internet access is available to all, quickly and efficiently. It's still unknown if the biggest immediate impact was on Christmas shopping, but judging by parcel deliveries over the festive period it can't be ruled out. Happy Christmas everyone!

November 2019

Medical Centre Cleaning Expands! Four more Medical Centres chose Active Cleaning as their new cleaning contractor in November. The continued expansion of Medical Centre Clients is attributed to both our consistency and quality of service provided, along with the clear 33 Point Plan to manage Outcome 8 requirements as part of our clients CQC requirements. Well done everyone.

October 2019

Large Debts Impact Active As Client Goes Into Administration! Total Polyfilm, a long standing client of Active Cleaning with locations in Brighouse and Preston sadly went into administration last month without any notice. The impact of this sudden closure has been significant, both on individual employees and Active Cleaning. We wish everyone impacted a positive future.

September 2019
Quality Accreditation For Active Cleaning Ltd! - September saw Active Cleaning maintain it's ISO9001:2015 Quality Management Accreditation following it's annual external audit by CQS of our systems and procedures. This success demonstrates the continued commitment Active Cleaning have to delivering a quality service to all our clients.

August 2019
34 Locations Start On Same Day! - August saw Active Cleaning commence it's newest client who have 34 office loctions across Yorkshire and the North West on the same day, without a single issue arising. Three months of planning and preparation by all departments, culminated in a smooth and organised transition from the old contractor to Active Cleaning. The client was consiquently delighted with the transfer. Well done everyone involved, this was a fantastic team display.

July 2019
Large Client Chooses Active For New Head Office!- A major Solicitor's practice in Leeds has chosen to extend its contract with Active Cleaning Ltd as they combine two exisiting office locations into one purpose designed refurbished building at the end of this month. It is testiment to the excellent working relationships and proven track record that Active have been chosen for this new challenge.

June 2019
Avetta Compliance Acheived!- Active have been successful in achieving certification to Avetta's SSIP(Safety Schemes In Procurement). Compliance is a mandatory requirement to to provide services to various internationally recognised clients and Active Cleaning is delighted to have secured this certification.

May 2019
A Decade of Health & Safety Accreditation! Active Cleaning have again successfully secured accreditation for the 10th year running, to the Safecontractor Health & Safety scheme, now operated by Alcumus, an external company designed to independantly assess a companys systems and procedures and deleiver the highest standards of safety. Well done everyone!

April 2019
Gender Pay Gap Figures! - Every year we are obliged to publish the Gender Pay Gap figures for the company. The figures are automatically calculated from our payroll system. Apologies if the following data is difficult to understand, all we know is that we pay the same in every role regardless of gender. Here are the figures for your entertainment or confusion:-

Date - 05/04/2018
Mean gender pay gap - 31
Median gender pay gap - -1
Mean bonus gender pay gap - 0
Median bonus gender pay gap - 0
Proportion males rec bonus - 0
Proportion females rec bonus - 0
Male Quartile 1 Percentage - 19.8
Female Quartile 1 Percentage - 80.2
Male Quartile 2 Percentage - 21.4
Female Quartile 2 Percentage - 78.6
Male Quartile 3 Percentage - 16.1
Female Quartile 3 Percentage - 83.9
Male Quartile 4 Percentage - 21.4
Female Quartile 4 Percentage - 78.6

March 2019
National Living Wage Increase! - All employees on the National Living Wage will receive an increase from 1st April 2019 when the rate for over 25's rises from £7.83 per hour to £8.21 per hour. Active Cleaning pay a minimum of £8.21 to all employees regardless of thier age.

February 2019
Expansion continues with key acquisitions! Active Cleaning Ltd are pleased to announce the acquisition of two established cleaning businesses in the North West and East Midlands regions. Excel Commercial Cleaning Ltd and Your Elite Cleaning Ltd (North West and East Midlands respectively) both transfer to Active from the 1st February 2019 and demonstrates Active's continued long term investment in its current geopgrahical areas of operation. We wish a warm Active Cleaning welcome to all new clients and colleagues who have recently joined us.

January 2019
New Warrington Office Opens On Schedule! The new office in Warrington opened 25th January in line with the plans announced in November 2018. Based at The Genesis Centre, Birchwood, thE office will be the base for all operational management who serivce clients across the North West Region. Good luck to Anita and all her team.

December 2018
Promotions & Expansion of Operations Team! – Following the success of the business, Active Cleaning are delighted to announce the promotions of two key people. Anita Smith has been promoted to Branch Manager heading up the North West region. Anita has a wealth of experience of the industry, Active Cleaning and has been a key element in the continued growth and client retention across the region since joining Active in 2016. Stacey Coffee has been promoted to Area Manager continuing her success and positive approach in her Area Supervisor role, since joining Active at the start of 2018. Congratulations to both Stacey and Anita!

November 2018
Investment In New Warrington Office! – Active Cleaning has continues to grow across all operating regions and particularly in the North West. We are delighted to announce the investment in a new branch office from early January 2019. All our North West management team will operate from the Warrington office which will provide a central location and good motorway connections to all our clients across the region

October 2018
Quality Approach Secures Accreditation! – Active Cleaning achieved Grade 1 status in their recent ISO9001:2015 quality assessment. This demonstrates the continued improvement in our people and procedures to put quality at the heart of everything we do. Well done everyone!

September 2018
Macmillan Charity Coffee Morning Raises £230.00! – The third annual Macmillan charity coffee morning was held on the 28th September at the Active offices. The office team and members of their family attended and gave generously to a cause that impacts everyone. A new winner of Best Baker was crowned (well done Sarah Gilbertson), the Sales department won the quiz and Nicola Pannell gave Sales a clean sweep as she won the highly competitive chair race around the office (a full risk assessment was completed prior to the race!). Thank you to everyone who attended, baked and supported the event.

August 2018
Record Holiday Period! – The holidays taken in August by our employees hit a record high with over 257 employees taking holidays during the month, over double the usual number. This represents almost half of our workforce taking holidays at the same time which has been a challenging and unique period for our Operational Management team to support and control. Ensuring staff can take their holiday, arranging the appropriate cover and maintaining the service to clients, is evidence of the quality procedures in place and the continued commitment by all at Active and specifically our Operations Management Team, to deliver and maintain a quality service. Well done!

July 2018
High Profile Clients Choose Active! – Thank you to those clients (no names but you know who you are) who have recently reviewed their contracts and chosen to retain and also appoint Active Cleaning as their provider. Your support of Active allows us to invest in the business and continually improve our service to you. Thank you!

June 2018
Annual Accounts Show Stability! – The company recorded a slight improvement in their annual accounts with Turnover up 3.14% & Profit up 0.65%. It reflects the tough trading conditions and extremely tight margins currently being experienced in the cleaning industry. The Directors continue to invest in the business with ambitious geographical expansion plans already implemented in this financial year.

May 2018
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) Apply! – From 25th May 2018 how companies collect, manage and use personal data changed with the introduction of the new GDPR Regulations. The good news is you don’t have to do anything and Active already have robust data protection systems. We have though made some changes to our privacy policy, which sets out how we handle the information we get from everyone and make it easier for you to find out how we use and protect your information. The privacy policy can also be viewed on the Active Cleaning website.

April 2018
National Living Wage increase! From the 1st April all employees will receive at least £7.83 per hour in line with the National Living Wage requirements. Unlike some cleaning companies, Active Cleaning Ltd will pay this wage rate to all employees regardless of age, not just to those aged over 25.

March 2018
Sales Team Expands! – As part of the expansion plans into the new area, Richard Grant has joined Active as Sales Executive for the region. With a wealth of experience and local knowledge his positive outlook has already made him a firm favorite with the team and we wish him every success in his new role.

February 2018
New Appointment to the Admin Team! To further support Active’s expansion Sarah Gilbertson joined the Administration team and has already settled in well as part of the team. Headed by Office Manger Nikki, the full administration team are now Nikki, Chloe, Amy & Sarah.

January 2018
(Whisper it quietly)… Now Pension Issues Hopefully Resolved! Active’s Finance Director escalated and complained about the NOW Pensions system failings directly to the Trustees of the pension fund and to the governments Pensions Regulator. Active have been advised that NOW Pensions have updated their systems and a new ‘Gateway’ for future contributions will avoid any repercussions. All Active employees in the pension scheme should now have their correct contributions allocated to their accounts. Thank you to all employees for their patience and for the countless hours spent addressing this frustrating issue by Nikki, Chloe and Carolyn.

December 2017
Expansion Plans! Active are expanding its existing territory down the M1 corridor as far as the Nottingham and Derby area. New local staff are currently being recruited and trained so we are ready to commence service from April 2018. This represents a significant investment to the company and demonstrates our long term commitment to natural organic growth in a market sector we already know and provide a professional service to.

November 2017
Gender Pay Gap Reporting! New rules require all companies with over 250 employees to publish their gender pay gap before 4th April 2018 and then each year thereafter. This is not to be confused with equal pay which is existing law and observed by Active Cleaning in all roles. It is simply a snapshot taken on one day of the year of all pay for men and women throughout the company regardless of their roles. Our report is below.

Date - 05/04/2017
Mean gender pay gap -20.20
Median gender pay gap -20.20
Mean bonus gender pay gap - 0.00
Median bonus gender pay gap - 0.00
Proportion males rec bonus - 0.00
Proportion females rec bonus - 0.00
Male Quartile 1 Percentage - 26.30
Female Quartile 1 Percentage - 73.70
Male Quartile 2 Percentage - 15.00
Female Quartile 2 Percentage - 85.00
Male Quartile 3 Percentage - 15.00
Female Quartile 3 Percentage - 85.00
Male Quartile 4 Percentage - 22.70
Female Quartile 4 Percentage - 77.30

October 2017
ISO Quality Management Certification! Active achieved successful accreditation to the new ISO9001:2015 quality management standard following the external CQS independent assessment. Well done everyone!

September 2017
Charity Coffee Morning Raises £280.00! – The second annual Macmillan coffee morning for Cancer saw Active Cleaning raise £280.00 for the charity. It was a positive event and heartening to see so many staff and family members attending and competing in the outstanding cake competition. Thank you to everyone who attended and donated.

August 2017
Continuous Improvement Grows Business! – Active Cleaning’s continuous improvement approach to the management of the business has shown positive trend results, both in clients choosing Active Cleaning and those staying with Active Cleaning. It’s great to see this Kaizen approach to consistently reviewing and improving the service is delivering benefits throughout the business.

July 2017
NOW Pensions Apology! The NOW Pensions Chief Executive apologised via their monthly newsletter to all customers affected by their internal systems and procedural issues. Active Cleaning and some of our employees have been impacted, however NOW Pensions are working towards resolving the issues and we are hopeful the difficulties experienced should only be temporary.

June 2017
ISO Quality Management Certification Upgrade! – Active Cleaning are certified to the current ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System however this will no longer be valid after September 2018. To ensure we remain certified to the latest standard, the quality team headed by Nikki Linder have upgraded our procedures and we are confident Active Cleaning will secure our certification to the new ISO 9001:2015 standard on our next inspection later this year.

May 2017
Operations Team Expands! – To underpin the quality service provided to clients, the operations team has been strengthened by the recent appointment of two additional Area Supervisors in Tracey Jones and Jodie Harrison. Tracey and Jodie have specific contract roles and will directly support our cleaning teams and clients across the region. Both have settled in really well and we wish them every success in their new roles.

April 2017
National Living Wage Increases Again! April 1st saw the National Living Wage increase to £7.50 per hour for all employees aged 25 or over. Active Cleaning have passed on the increases to all staff regardless of their age!

March 2017
Sales Success - New Arrivals & Promotions! The sales team has been strengthened by the recent appointments of Karen Gibson & Samantha Beal who have quickly settled into their roles with instant success. Nicola Pannell has been promoted to Sales Coordinator who’s positive attitude continues to be a driving force in the sales team. With new business being booked and awarded all the time, the sales team are very optimistic about the future. If anyone requires a cleaning quotation please ring the office and ask for Nicola who will happily arrange it.

February 2017
Happy Birthday - 15 Years of Trading! The 21st February is 15 years since Active Cleaning was founded by Carolyn Creel and Adam Ross. It has grown consistently year on year and is now established as one of the regions top cleaning companies for Office, School and Medical Centre cleaning. Active now employs over 500 people and cleans over 250 clients premises across Yorkshire and Manchester. Congratulations!

January 2017
Health & Safety Accreditation! January saw Active Cleaning reassessed against the internationally recogonised SafeContractor Health & Safety accreditation scheme, with successful accreditation being achieved for another 12 months. Accreditation to the SafeContractor scheme demonstrates the high standards of Health & Safety Active Cleaning operate to, so well done everyone.

December 2016
Medical Centre’s Continue To Choose Active! – December sees Active Cleaning appointed to four more Medical Centre’s throughout the region. Actives proven documented infection control procedures have provided positive reassurance for clients when making the difficult decision to change cleaning contractors.

November 2016
Operational Management Upgraded! – November saw the final element of Active’s restructured operational department completed. Active’s continuous improvement approach has assessed and delivered an upgrade to the operational team with the appointment of experienced Area Managers across the business. The management restructure has already delivered improved results along with extremely positive client and employee feedback.

October 2016
500 Employees! – Active saw the number of employees increase to pass 500 in October. The continued growth in office, school and medical centre cleaning customers has seen the milestone of 500 employees reached. Well done and thank you to all employees for their continued hard work and dedication in making Active Cleaning one of the regions first choice cleaning companies.

September 2016
Charity Coffee Morning Raises £180.00! – September saw Active Cleaning join in the world’s biggest coffee morning for Macmillan Cancer Support and raise £180.00 for the charity. The hotly contested ‘Best Baker’ award went to Chloe Creel and the winner of ‘Guess the Sprinkles’ went to Tracey Shaw (who knew coffee mornings could get so competitive!). Well done to Fiona Moore and the team for arranging the event and thank you to everyone who attended and donated.

August 2016
ISO 9001:2008 Quality Accreditation Secure! – August saw Active Cleanings annual assessment against the ISO 9001 Quality standard. The external quality monitoring company CQS assessed our systems and procedures against the quality standards and found we complied in all areas. Well done to everyone!

July 2016
School Cleaning Increases! – July sees another two schools appoint Active Cleaning as their chosen service provider, along with a comprehensive programme of cleaning scheduled for the summer shutdown.

June 2016
Medical Centre Cleaning Expands! – Active Cleaning have been awarded 3 new medical centres following the successful presentation of the our Care Quality Commission (CQC) Outcome 8 compliance programme. The system is bespoke to an individual practice and ensures clients have all the relevant information, supporting documentation and service evidence for their CQC audit.

May 2016
Payroll Goes Live Using Integrated Systems! May saw the first auto-completion of payroll using Ezitracker (Time & Attendance system) and Cleanlink (Management Software). The two digital systems work by linking with each other to complete the main payroll. The tenacity and determination shown by Nikki Linder the Office Manager and her office team to make sure the launch went smoothly and all staff were paid correctly was exceptional. Well done girls!

April 2016
Turnover Up & Profits Down! Trading for the year 2015/2016 showed Turnover was up 13.2% and Profit was down 1.4% on the previous year.

March 2016
New Operations Manager! – Simon Moore is appointed as Operations Manager from 1st March 2016. Simon has a wealth of industry experience, an excellent track record with Active Cleaning and we wish him every success in his new role.

February 2016
National Living Wage For All Employees! – Active Cleaning Ltd announce the new statutory National Living Wage of £7.20 for over 25’s will be paid to all employees regardless of age, from 1st April 2016.

January 2016
Safecontractor Accreditation Secure! – January saw Active Cleaning achieve re-accreditation to the Safecontractor health and safety scheme. The Safecontractor scheme is an annual external review and audit of our health and safety policies and procedures. Well done everyone.

December 2015
Ezitracker Goes Live! – Active’s new Time & Attendance system started 1st December 2015. Ezitracker allows all employees to quickly log in and out of work and as it a cloud based system it ensures all employees can access the system at any time.

December 2015
Actives Largest Client Takes Cleaning ‘In House’! – Only months after achieving their highest BRC audit grade ever, Dovecote Park at Stapleton have taken the decision to complete the cleaning themselves. All 36 full time employees have transferred to Dovecote Park under the TUPE regulations.

November 2015
450 Employees! – Continued growth from new customers choosing Active Cleaning as their cleaning contractor, sees the number of employees in November rise to 450.

October 2015
Investment In Employee Systems Continues! Active Cleaning have invested in a new Time & Attendance system this month, which is designed to be significantly faster and easier for employees to use. This continued improvement to our staff and management systems is as a direct result of employee feedback, so thank you to everyone for their opinions and comments.

September 2015
Quality Accreditation For Active Cleaning! Active have successfully achieved the ISO9001:2008 Quality management system accreditation. Achieving the ISO standard demonstrates our commitment to continual improvement, customer satisfaction and traceability through management processes. Well done to everyone at Active Cleaning!

August 2015
Top BRC Grade For Largest Client! Dovecote Park at Stapleton Pontefract, supplier of beef to Waitrose stores nationwide, achieved their highest grade ever in their latest BRC audit achieving an A Grade. Congratulations to the Active Cleaning Hygiene Manager Simon Moore and his team, whose commitment to daily excellence in the delivery of quality hygiene levels are essential to this accreditation.

July 2015
Active Goes Digital! July sees Active invest in a system named Cleanlink. Cleanlink provides Active with a modern digital solution to managing and communicating throughout the business. In future, I-Pads and mobile data transfer will be used rather than paper systems, making us more efficient and effective. Welcome to the digital future!

June 2015
Highest Number Of Quotes Ever! – June saw the sales team achieve the highest number of quotations for clients completed in the company’s history. Well done everyone!

May 2015
Active Management Team Expands! The Operations team is boosted following the creation of two new roles and the subsequent appointment of Justin Mason as Key Account Manager and Stacey Birkett as Area Supervisor. Hannah Brook-Smith joins the Administration and Finance team as Administrator.

April 2015
Active growth continues! Active Cleaning exceed £2.8 Million Turnover P.A in the 2014 -2015 Accounts and are on track to surpass £3 Million this year(2015-12016).

March 2015
ISO 9001 Quality Accreditation Commences! Active have appointed CQS to prepare Active for assessment, audit and certification of the ISO 9001 quality standard. Accreditation is planned to be achieved by September 2015.

February 2015
More 10 Years Service Awards! Two more Active Cleaning employees, Janet Hodson Operations Manager and Jeannette Gibson Area Supervisor, celebrate ten years service this month. Congratulations ladies!

January 2015
400 Employees! January 2015 saw Active Cleaning employ it’s 400th employee.

December 2014
Best Sales Month Ever! – December saw Active Cleaning achieve it’s highest recorded monthly sales record to date. We won several new clients including an ‘award winning’ ready meals company in Blackpool to further expand our Food Hygiene client base and were awarded the Head Office cleaning for a global financial institution based in Bradford, following a successful tender process. Well done everyone & Happy Christmas!

November 2014
Active invest in local cleaning company! - November sees Active acquire Patron Cleaning Services, a well respected Leeds office cleaning company following the decision of the owner to retire. We wish Pat every happiness in her retirement and give a warm welcome to all those new employees to Active.

October 2014
More CQC success! - October sees another Active medical client pass their CQC (Care Quality Commission) inspection with flying colours. Proof again, that Active’s continuous improvement approach is a positive benefit to our clients.

September 2014
New Office! September sees the completion of Active House, the new Head Office building for Active Cleaning next to Junction 42 on the A1.

August 2014
10 Year Employee! August sees the first Active Cleaning employee reach ten years of service with Active Cleaning Ltd. Nikki Linder the Office manager started as a cleaner and has progressed in various roles to her current position as part of the Senior Management team. Congratulations Nikki & we hope she is the first of many.

July 2014
350 Active Employees! July sees the number of employees reach 350 employed at Active Cleaning Ltd across Yorkshire and Greater Manchester..

June 2014
Year on year organic growth continues! Active Cleaning exceed 2.5 Million Turnover P.A in 2013 -2014 Accounts.

May 2014
Investment in the Manchester office continues! This month sees the introduction of a dedicated Telemarketing team appointed to the Manchester branch, to further strengthen the cleaning services offered across the Greater Manchester region.

May 2014
Active cleaning secure a multisite medical cleaning contract with a prominent dental provider! A major chain of dentists chose Active Cleaning as their approved cleaning contractor following the success of Active’s CQC plans and quality systems with other medical clients.

April 2014
Wage Payment Date Change! Following the announcements in the January and March Newsletters, April sees the wage payment date for all staff move to the 12th of each month.

March 2014
Pension staging date arrives! Active Cleaning commences automatic pension enrolment for all staff, via NOW pensions.

February 2014
Care Quality Commission(CQC) inspectors pass Active Cleaning medical clients! Active Cleanings bespoke cleaning plan and procedures proved successful in satisfying the CQC’s Outcome 8 requirements and help our clients pass their recent CQC inspections.

January 2014
Planning permission approved! Active have been given the go ahead to develop the new head office building, which keeps us on track for an August move date.

January 2014
‘Now Pensions’ appointed as new pension provider! With the March 2014 auto enrolment date approaching, Active Cleaning moved to a new pension provider to benefit all employees with more flexibility and reduced costs.

December 2013
Manchester expansion continues! The Manchester region continues to expand with the appointment of a new local sales executive for the Manchester and North West region.

November 2013
IIP Status Retained! Active Cleaning are reassessed and are delighted to retain IIP(Investor In People) accreditation, with very positive assessor feedback.

October 2013
Safecontractor Status Retained! Active Cleaning are reassessed and are pleased to retain Safecontractor accreditation, the widely respected Health & Safety accreditation for industry professionals.

September 2013
Supervisor Training Programme Launches! The new Active Cleaning Supervisor Training Programme is launched across the business, with immediate positive feedback from Site Supervisors and Area Supervisors.

August 2013
New Offices! Active Cleaning acquire a new Leeds based head office building. The estimated time to occupation is within 12 Months.

July 2013
Royal Approval! Active Cleaning receive thanks from client at Dovecote Park for work prior to the visit of HRH Prince Charles.

July 2013
Pension Notices! All Active Cleaning employees receive statutory notices regarding Pension enrolment.

June 2013
Training Team! Active Cleaning team appointed to implement new supervisor training programme.

May 2013
new Uniforms Look Great! Active Cleaning Area Supervisors receive positive feedback following introduction of new uniforms.

April 2013
£2Million! Active Cleaning exceed 2 Million Turnover P.A in 2012 -2013 Accounts.

March 2013
HMRC Cmpliant! Active Cleaning successfully test compliance with the new directive from Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) for Real Time Information (RTI), ahead of the implementation deadline 1st April 2013.

February 2013
Pension Update! Active Cleaning receive notification from the Pensions Regulator for a staging date of 1st February 2014, for automatic pension enrolment for all Active Cleaning Ltd eligible employees.

February 2013 11 11 11 Years Old! Active celebrates 11 years of trading. Well done everyone!

January 2013
New Department! Active Cleaning create a new Business Support Department to further support our management teams service to customers.


April 2021

AnnuaL Gender Pay Gap Data - It's that time again, (however please don't get too overexcited) here are this years figures taken directly from payroll. Happy reading!

​​​​​​​Date 05/04/202

​​​​​​​Mean gender pay gap 11.8
Median gender pay gap 5.6
Mean bonus gender pay gap 0
Median bonus gender pay gap 0
Proportion males rec bonus 0
Proportion females rec bonus 0
Male Quartile 1 Percentage 28.0
Female Quartile 1 Percentage 72.0
Male Quartile 2 Percentage 19.0
Female Quartile 2 Percentage 81.0
Male Quartile 3 Percentage 15.9
Female Quartile 3 Percentage 84.1
Male Quartile 4 Percentage 18.4
Female Quartile 4 Percentage 81.6

For every £1 the median man earns, the median woman earns £0.94

March 2021

Health & Safety Remains Active Priority - Active Cleaning are delighted to confirm we have been vetted and approved by Avetta. This demonstrates our committed to improving the safety of everyone in the business. Well done everyone.

February 2021

Road Map Help To Return To Work! - Following the Governments Road Map announcement, Active Cleaning have invested in Zonitise, a laboratory proven antimicrobial coating, delivered via an antistatic gun to any surface which directly inhibits the growth of bacteria. We believe this is the best way to help clients provide a safe working environment and support their employees when returning to work. Zonitise is proven to protect against COVID-19 for up to 60 days!

January 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Lockdown 3 Sparks New Closures - Several clients have closed their offices and are now working from home following the latest lockdown announcement. All staff impacted have been furloughed again and we hope to have everyone back once restrictions are lifted. 

December 2020

New School Contracts! - Active have been awarded new school contacts despite COVID-19. Our COVID-19 cleaning plan has proved effective and appealing to new clients. Well done and Happy Christmas to everyone!

November 2020

Quality Management Accreditation! Active Cleaning were externally assessed against the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management standard this month and secured continued accreditation. Well done everyone involved.

October  2020

COVID-19 Impact Hits Business! Active Cleaning lost several clients in October, as some chose to work from home permanently and in some cases sadly had to close their business entirely due to the impact of the pandemic. With colleagues and clients losing their jobs at this uncertain time, we wish them all the very best for the future.

September  2020

Schools Reopening Spark Client Returns! The number of clients planning to return to thier offices in September, is the highest number in the last 3 months. Early indications for October are also encouraging for the remaining clients to return. As the Job Retention Scheme ends at the end of October, this is welcome news for those employees still on furlough.

August  2020

Furlough Changes Start! August sees the start of the furlough scheme changes with National Insurance and Pension Contributions being paid by the employer. With the trading uncertainties surrounding many businesses at the moment Active Cleaning have chosen to adopt all these costs and not pass them on to our clients. 

July 2020

Hand Washing Kills COVID-19! In these uncertain times it is reassuring that we can look after ourselves by following the rules. The Global Handwashing Partnership recently detailed advice and guidance on the reasons why hand washing remained our best defence against viruses. This has been the advice from day 1 of this pandemic and we urge everyone to continue to do this as part of their personal hygiene routines. You can read the full article on their website at https://globalhandwashing.org/how-washing-hands-with-soap-destroys-the-coronavirus/

June 2020

Clients Start To Return! Following the Governments announcement to ease the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, clients are returning to their offices. Active has developed and is following a 'Service Resumption Procedure' to ensure the safety and protection of everyone remains the overriding priority. 

May 2020

Health & Safety Accreditation Maintained! Following the external annual assessment of Active Cleaning's procedures by Alcumus, we have been successful in maintaining accreditation to the Safecontractor Health & Safety scheme. Well done everyone.

April 2020

Gender Pay Gap Figures Published! All companies are obliged to publish their Gender Pay Gap figures every year. The figures detailed below are from Active Cleaning Ltd payroll data submitted to HMRC. 

Mean gender pay gap - 4.4
Median gender pay gap -1.2
Mean bonus gender pay gap - 0
Median bonus gender pay gap - 0
Proportion males rec bonus - 0
Proportion females rec bonus - 0
Male Quartile 1 Percentage - 28.6
Female Quartile 1 Percentage - 71.4
Male Quartile 2 Percentage - 17.0
Female Quartile 2 Percentage - 83.0
Male Quartile 3 Percentage - 34.8
Female Quartile 3 Percentage - 65.2
Male Quartile 4 Percentage - 13.6
Female Quartile 4 Percentage - 86.4

For every £1 the median man earns, the median woman earns £1.01

30th March 2020

Advice Remains Follow Public Health England! All employees are continuing to be directed to the Public Health England (PHE) website for information and guidance on the COVID-19 outbreak. This is the primary source of information Active Cleaning are using and we urge all employees to follow the guidance. The PHE web address is https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england

17th March 2020

Government Commence Daily Briefings! Yesterday the government started their daily briefings in response to the escalation of the COVID-19 virus. The full range of measures announced can be found at:

This National Emergency is a constantly evolving situation and the next phase of the awareness campaign reiterates the importance of seeking help online by visiting NHS.UK/coronavirus to check your symptoms and follow the medical advice, rather than visiting a GP.

Active are working with both employees and customers to allow businesses to follow the current advice which is not close unless advised to do so by the local Public Health England Health Protection Team or the government.

12th March 2020
COVID-19 Delay Phase Confirmed! The UK Chief Medical Officers have now raised the risk to the UK from moderate to high and has announced that we are moving out of the containment and into delay phase.

The advice to slow the spread of infection is that anyone who shows symptoms to self-isolate for 7 days, regardless of whether they have travelled to affected areas. We ask all our employees to review and follow this advice. 

9th March 2020

Safety Alerts Sent To All Employees! All emloyees were issued with the latest Public Health England (PHE) advice and guidence surrounding the COVID-19 virus. The web address is: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england

6th March 2020

Active Cleaning Action Plan Established! As a response to the spread of the COVID-19 virus Active have completed an initial action plan, with the priority being to safeguard our customers and employees. Information will be updated and communicated as appropriate over the coming days and weeks as we continue to monitor the accelerated spread of the virus. As a company we are continuing to follow the Public Health England (PHE) latest advice which today remains 'business as usual'.

February 2020

Coronavirus! - Last month on the 31st January 2020 saw the first cases of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) were confirmed in the UK. Active like many organisations are closely following the spread of the virus and aim to provide the latest information and advice as necessary. At the moment the advice is wash your hands regularly as this will help prevent the spread of the virus.

January 2020

Happy New Year As New Clients Choose Active! - The new year started positively with several new clients making the change to Active Cleaning as their new chosen supplier. A warm welcome is extended to all those new employees that have joined us recently.

December 2019

High Speed internet Arrives! - Santa came early for Active Cleaning this year,  with the Leeds Head Office going live with it's own new 100mb Fixed Line broadband service. This means the cloud based operating systems used by Active and the general internet access is available to all, quickly and efficiently. It's still unknown if the biggest immediate impact was on Christmas shopping, but judging by parcel deliveries over the festive period it can't be ruled out. Happy Christmas everyone!

November 2019

Medical Centre Cleaning Expands! Four more Medical Centres chose Active Cleaning as their new cleaning contractor in November. The continued expansion of Medical Centre Clients is attributed to both our consistency and quality of service provided, along with the clear 33 Point Plan to manage Outcome 8 requirements as part of our clients CQC requirements. Well done everyone.

October 2019

Large Debts Impact Active As Client Goes Into Administration! Total Polyfilm, a long standing client of Active Cleaning with locations in Brighouse and Preston sadly went into administration last month without any notice. The impact of this sudden closure has been significant, both on individual employees and Active Cleaning. We wish everyone impacted a positive future.

September  2019
Quality Accreditation For Active Cleaning Ltd! - September saw Active Cleaning maintain it's ISO9001:2015 Quality Management Accreditation following it's annual external audit by CQS of our systems and procedures. This success demonstrates the continued commitment Active Cleaning have to delivering a quality service to all our clients. 

August  2019
34 Locations Start On Same Day! - August saw Active Cleaning commence it's newest client who have 34 office loctions across Yorkshire and the North West on the same day, without a single issue arising. Three months of planning and preparation by all departments, culminated in a smooth and organised transition from the old contractor to Active Cleaning. The client was consiquently delighted with the transfer. Well done everyone involved, this was a fantastic team display.

July  2019
Large Client Chooses Active For New Head Office!- A major Solicitor's practice in Leeds has chosen to extend its contract with Active Cleaning Ltd as they combine two exisiting office locations into one purpose designed refurbished building at the end of this month. It is testiment to the excellent working relationships and proven track record that Active have been chosen for this new challenge. 

June  2019
Avetta Compliance Acheived!- Active have been successful in achieving certification to Avetta's SSIP(Safety Schemes In Procurement). Compliance is a mandatory requirement to to provide services to various internationally recognised clients and Active Cleaning is delighted to have secured this certification. 

May  2019
A Decade of Health & Safety Accreditation! Active Cleaning have again successfully secured accreditation for the 10th year running, to the Safecontractor Health & Safety scheme, now operated by Alcumus, an external company designed to independantly assess a companys systems and procedures and deleiver the highest standards of safety. Well done everyone!

April  2019
Gender Pay Gap Figures! - Every year we are obliged to publish the Gender Pay Gap figures for the company. The figures are automatically calculated from our payroll system. Apologies if the following data is difficult to understand, all we know is that we pay the same in every role regardless of gender. Here are the figures for your entertainment or confusion:-

Date - 05/04/2018
Mean gender pay gap - 31
Median gender pay gap - -1
Mean bonus gender pay gap - 0
Median bonus gender pay gap - 0
Proportion males rec bonus - 0
Proportion females rec bonus - 0
Male Quartile 1 Percentage - 19.8
Female Quartile 1 Percentage - 80.2
Male Quartile 2 Percentage - 21.4
Female Quartile 2 Percentage - 78.6
Male Quartile 3 Percentage - 16.1
Female Quartile 3 Percentage - 83.9
Male Quartile 4 Percentage - 21.4
Female Quartile 4 Percentage - 78.6

March  2019
National Living Wage Increase! - All employees on the National Living Wage will receive an increase from 1st April 2019 when the rate for over 25's rises from £7.83 per hour to £8.21 per hour. Active Cleaning pay a minimum of £8.21 to all employees regardless of thier age.

February  2019
Expansion continues with key acquisitions! Active Cleaning Ltd are pleased to announce the acquisition of two established cleaning businesses in the North West and East Midlands regions. Excel Commercial Cleaning Ltd and Your Elite Cleaning Ltd (North West and East Midlands respectively) both transfer to Active from the 1st February 2019 and demonstrates Active's continued long term investment in its current geopgrahical areas of operation. We wish a warm Active Cleaning welcome to all new clients and colleagues who have recently joined us.

January 2019
New Warrington Office Opens On Schedule! The new office in Warrington opened 25th January in line with the plans announced in November 2018. Based at The Genesis Centre, Birchwood, thE office will be the base for all operational management who serivce clients across the North West Region. Good luck to Anita and all her team.

December 2018
Promotions & Expansion of Operations Team!  – Following the success of the business, Active Cleaning are delighted to announce the promotions of two key people. Anita Smith has been promoted to Branch Manager heading up the North West region. Anita has a wealth of experience of the industry, Active Cleaning and has been a key element in the continued growth and client retention across the region since joining Active in 2016. Stacey Coffee has been promoted to Area Manager continuing her success and positive approach in her Area Supervisor role, since joining Active at the start of 2018. Congratulations to both Stacey and Anita!

November 2018
Investment In New Warrington Office!  – Active Cleaning has continues to grow across all operating regions and particularly in the North West. We are delighted to announce the investment in a new branch office from early January 2019. All our North West management team will operate from the Warrington office which will provide a central location and good motorway connections to all our clients across the region

October 2018
Quality Approach Secures Accreditation! – Active Cleaning achieved Grade 1 status in their recent ISO9001:2015 quality assessment. This demonstrates the continued improvement in our people and procedures to put quality at the heart of everything we do. Well done everyone!

September 2018
Macmillan Charity Coffee Morning Raises £230.00! – The third annual Macmillan charity coffee morning was held on the 28th September at the Active offices. The office team and members of their family attended and gave generously to a cause that impacts everyone. A new winner of Best Baker was crowned (well done Sarah Gilbertson), the Sales department won the quiz and Nicola Pannell gave Sales a clean sweep as she won the highly competitive chair race around the office (a full risk assessment was completed prior to the race!). Thank you to everyone who attended, baked and supported the event.

August 2018
Record Holiday Period! – The holidays taken in August by our employees hit a record high with over 257 employees taking holidays during the month, over double the usual number. This represents almost half of our workforce taking holidays at the same time which has been a challenging and unique period for our Operational Management team to support and control. Ensuring staff can take their holiday, arranging the appropriate cover and maintaining the service to clients, is evidence of the quality procedures in place and the continued commitment by all at Active and specifically our Operations Management Team, to deliver and maintain a quality service. Well done!

July 2018
High Profile Clients Choose Active! – Thank you to those clients (no names but you know who you are) who have recently reviewed their contracts and chosen to retain and also appoint Active Cleaning as their provider. Your support of Active allows us to invest in the business and continually improve our service to you. Thank you!

June 2018
Annual Accounts Show Stability! – The company recorded a slight improvement in their annual accounts with Turnover up 3.14% & Profit up 0.65%. It reflects the tough trading conditions and extremely tight margins currently being experienced in the cleaning industry. The Directors continue to invest in the business with ambitious geographical expansion plans already implemented in this financial year.

May 2018
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) Apply! – From 25th May 2018 how companies collect, manage and use personal data changed with the introduction of the new GDPR Regulations. The good news is you don’t have to do anything and Active already have robust data protection systems. We have though made some changes to our privacy policy, which sets out how we handle the information we get from everyone and make it easier for you to find out how we use and protect your information. The privacy policy can also be viewed on the Active Cleaning website.

April 2018
National Living Wage increase! From the 1st April all employees will receive at least £7.83 per hour in line with the National Living Wage requirements. Unlike some cleaning companies, Active Cleaning Ltd will pay this wage rate to all employees regardless of age, not just to those aged over 25.

March 2018
Sales Team Expands! – As part of the expansion plans into the new area, Richard Grant has joined Active as Sales Executive for the region. With a wealth of experience and local knowledge his positive outlook has already made him a firm favorite with the team and we wish him every success in his new role.

February 2018
New Appointment to the Admin Team! To further support Active’s expansion Sarah Gilbertson joined the Administration team and has already settled in well as part of the team. Headed by Office Manger Nikki, the full administration team are now Nikki, Chloe, Amy & Sarah.

January 2018
(Whisper it quietly)… Now Pension Issues Hopefully Resolved! Active’s Finance Director escalated and complained about the NOW Pensions system failings directly to the Trustees of the pension fund and to the governments Pensions Regulator. Active have been advised that NOW Pensions have updated their systems and a new ‘Gateway’ for future contributions will avoid any repercussions. All Active employees in the pension scheme should now have their correct contributions allocated to their accounts. Thank you to all employees for their patience and for the countless hours spent addressing this frustrating issue by Nikki, Chloe and Carolyn.

December 2017
Expansion Plans! Active are expanding its existing territory down the M1 corridor as far as the Nottingham and Derby area. New local staff are currently being recruited and trained so we are ready to commence service from April 2018. This represents a significant investment to the company and demonstrates our long term commitment to natural organic growth in a market sector we already know and provide a professional service to.

November 2017
Gender Pay Gap Reporting! New rules require all companies with over 250 employees to publish their gender pay gap before 4th April 2018 and then each year thereafter. This is not to be confused with equal pay which is existing law and observed by Active Cleaning in all roles. It is simply a snapshot taken on one day of the year of all pay for men and women throughout the company regardless of their roles. Our report is below.

Date - 05/04/2017
Mean gender pay gap -20.20
Median gender pay gap -20.20
Mean bonus gender pay gap - 0.00
Median bonus gender pay gap - 0.00
Proportion males rec bonus - 0.00
Proportion females rec bonus - 0.00
Male Quartile 1 Percentage - 26.30
Female Quartile 1 Percentage - 73.70
Male Quartile 2 Percentage - 15.00
Female Quartile 2 Percentage - 85.00
Male Quartile 3 Percentage - 15.00
Female Quartile 3 Percentage - 85.00
Male Quartile 4 Percentage - 22.70
Female Quartile 4 Percentage - 77.30

October 2017
ISO Quality Management Certification! Active achieved successful accreditation to the new ISO9001:2015 quality management standard following the external CQS independent assessment. Well done everyone!

September 2017
Charity Coffee Morning Raises £280.00! – The second annual Macmillan coffee morning for Cancer saw Active Cleaning raise £280.00 for the charity. It was a positive event and heartening to see so many staff and family members attending and competing in the outstanding cake competition. Thank you to everyone who attended and donated.

August 2017
Continuous Improvement Grows Business! – Active Cleaning’s continuous improvement approach to the management of the business has shown positive trend results, both in clients choosing Active Cleaning and those staying with Active Cleaning. It’s great to see this Kaizen approach to consistently reviewing and improving the service is delivering benefits throughout the business.

July 2017
NOW Pensions Apology! The NOW Pensions Chief Executive apologised via their monthly newsletter to all customers affected by their internal systems and procedural issues. Active Cleaning and some of our employees have been impacted, however NOW Pensions are working towards resolving the issues and we are hopeful the difficulties experienced should only be temporary. 

June 2017
ISO Quality Management Certification Upgrade! – Active Cleaning are certified to the current ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System however this will no longer be valid after September 2018. To ensure we remain certified to the latest standard, the quality team headed by Nikki Linder have upgraded our procedures and we are confident Active Cleaning will secure our certification to the new ISO 9001:2015 standard on our next inspection later this year.

May 2017
Operations Team Expands! – To underpin the quality service provided to clients, the operations team has been strengthened by the recent appointment of two additional Area Supervisors in Tracey Jones and Jodie Harrison. Tracey and Jodie have specific contract roles and will directly support our cleaning teams and clients across the region. Both have settled in really well and we wish them every success in their new roles.

April 2017
National Living Wage Increases Again! April 1st saw the National Living Wage increase to £7.50 per hour for all employees aged 25 or over. Active Cleaning have passed on the increases to all staff regardless of their age!

March 2017
Sales Success - New Arrivals & Promotions! The sales team has been strengthened by the recent appointments of Karen Gibson & Samantha Beal who have quickly settled into their roles with instant success. Nicola Pannell has been promoted to Sales Coordinator who’s positive attitude continues to be a driving force in the sales team. With new business being booked and awarded all the time, the sales team are very optimistic about the future. If anyone requires a cleaning quotation please ring the office and ask for Nicola who will happily arrange it.

February 2017
Happy Birthday - 15 Years of Trading! The 21st February is 15 years since Active Cleaning was founded by Carolyn Creel and Adam Ross. It has grown consistently year on year and is now established as one of the regions top cleaning companies for Office, School and Medical Centre cleaning. Active now employs over 500 people and cleans over 250 clients premises across Yorkshire and Manchester. Congratulations!

January 2017
Health & Safety Accreditation! January saw Active Cleaning reassessed against the internationally recogonised SafeContractor Health & Safety accreditation scheme, with successful accreditation being achieved for another 12 months. Accreditation to the SafeContractor scheme demonstrates the high standards of Health & Safety Active Cleaning operate to, so well done everyone.

December 2016
Medical Centre’s Continue To Choose Active! – December sees Active Cleaning appointed to four more Medical Centre’s throughout the region. Actives proven documented infection control procedures have provided positive reassurance for clients when making the difficult decision to change cleaning contractors.

November 2016
Operational Management Upgraded! – November saw the final element of Active’s restructured operational department completed. Active’s continuous improvement approach has assessed and delivered an upgrade to the operational team with the appointment of experienced Area Managers across the business. The management restructure has already delivered improved results along with extremely positive client and employee feedback.

October 2016
500 Employees! – Active saw the number of employees increase to pass 500 in October. The continued growth in office, school and medical centre cleaning customers has seen the milestone of 500 employees reached. Well done and thank you to all employees for their continued hard work and dedication in making Active Cleaning one of the regions first choice cleaning companies.

September 2016
Charity Coffee Morning Raises £180.00! – September saw Active Cleaning join in the world’s biggest coffee morning for Macmillan Cancer Support and raise £180.00 for the charity. The hotly contested ‘Best Baker’ award went to Chloe Creel and the winner of ‘Guess the Sprinkles’ went to Tracey Shaw (who knew coffee mornings could get so competitive!). Well done to Fiona Moore and the team for arranging the event and thank you to everyone who attended and donated.

August 2016
ISO 9001:2008 Quality Accreditation Secure! – August saw Active Cleanings annual assessment against the ISO 9001 Quality standard. The external quality monitoring company CQS assessed our systems and procedures against the quality standards and found we complied in all areas. Well done to everyone!

July 2016
School Cleaning Increases! – July sees another two schools appoint Active Cleaning as their chosen service provider, along with a comprehensive programme of cleaning scheduled for the summer shutdown.

June 2016
Medical Centre Cleaning Expands! – Active Cleaning have been awarded 3 new medical centres following the successful presentation of the our Care Quality Commission (CQC) Outcome 8 compliance programme. The system is bespoke to an individual practice and ensures clients have all the relevant information, supporting documentation and service evidence for their CQC audit.

May 2016
Payroll Goes Live Using Integrated Systems! May saw the first auto-completion of payroll using Ezitracker (Time & Attendance system) and Cleanlink (Management Software). The two digital systems work by linking with each other to complete the main payroll. The tenacity and determination shown by Nikki Linder the Office Manager and her office team to make sure the launch went smoothly and all staff were paid correctly was exceptional. Well done girls!

April 2016
Turnover Up & Profits Down! Trading for the year 2015/2016 showed Turnover was up 13.2% and Profit was down 1.4% on the previous year.

March 2016
New Operations Manager! – Simon Moore is appointed as Operations Manager from 1st March 2016. Simon has a wealth of industry experience, an excellent track record with Active Cleaning and we wish him every success in his new role.

February 2016
National Living Wage For All Employees! – Active Cleaning Ltd announce the new statutory National Living Wage of £7.20 for over 25’s will be paid to all employees regardless of age, from 1st April 2016. 

January 2016
Safecontractor Accreditation Secure! – January saw Active Cleaning achieve re-accreditation to the Safecontractor health and safety scheme. The Safecontractor scheme is an annual external review and audit of our health and safety policies and procedures. Well done everyone.

December 2015
Ezitracker Goes Live! – Active’s new Time & Attendance system started 1st December 2015. Ezitracker allows all employees to quickly log in and out of work and as it a cloud based system it ensures all employees can access the system at any time.

December 2015
Actives Largest Client Takes Cleaning ‘In House’! – Only months after achieving their highest BRC audit grade ever, Dovecote Park at Stapleton have taken the decision to complete the cleaning themselves. All 36 full time employees have transferred to Dovecote Park under the TUPE regulations.

November 2015
450 Employees! – Continued growth from new customers choosing Active Cleaning as their cleaning contractor, sees the number of employees in November rise to 450.

October 2015
Investment In Employee Systems Continues! Active Cleaning have invested in a new Time & Attendance system this month, which is designed to be significantly faster and easier for employees to use. This continued improvement to our staff and management systems is as a direct result of employee feedback, so thank you to everyone for their opinions and comments.

September 2015
Quality Accreditation For Active Cleaning! Active have successfully achieved the ISO9001:2008 Quality management system accreditation. Achieving the ISO standard demonstrates our commitment to continual improvement, customer satisfaction and traceability through management processes. Well done to everyone at Active Cleaning! 

August 2015
Top BRC Grade For Largest Client! Dovecote Park at Stapleton Pontefract, supplier of beef to Waitrose stores nationwide, achieved their highest grade ever in their latest BRC audit achieving an A Grade. Congratulations to the Active Cleaning Hygiene Manager Simon Moore and his team, whose commitment to daily excellence in the delivery of quality hygiene levels are essential to this accreditation.

July 2015
Active Goes Digital! July sees Active invest in a system named Cleanlink. Cleanlink provides Active with a modern digital solution to managing and communicating throughout the business. In future, I-Pads and mobile data transfer will be used rather than paper systems, making us more efficient and effective. Welcome to the digital future!

June 2015
Highest Number Of Quotes Ever! – June saw the sales team achieve the highest number of quotations for clients completed in the company’s history. Well done everyone!

May 2015
Active Management Team Expands! The Operations team is boosted following the creation of two new roles and the subsequent appointment of Justin Mason as Key Account Manager and Stacey Birkett as Area Supervisor. Hannah Brook-Smith joins the Administration and Finance team as Administrator.

April 2015
Active growth continues! Active Cleaning exceed £2.8 Million Turnover P.A in the 2014 -2015 Accounts and are on track to surpass £3 Million this year(2015-12016). 

March 2015
ISO 9001 Quality Accreditation Commences! Active have appointed CQS to prepare Active for assessment, audit and certification of the ISO 9001 quality standard. Accreditation is planned to be achieved by September 2015.

February 2015
More 10 Years Service Awards! Two more Active Cleaning employees, Janet Hodson Operations Manager and Jeannette Gibson Area Supervisor, celebrate ten years service this month. Congratulations ladies!

January 2015
400 Employees! January 2015 saw Active Cleaning employ it’s 400th employee. 

December 2014
Best Sales Month Ever! – December saw Active Cleaning achieve it’s highest recorded monthly sales record to date. We won several new clients including an ‘award winning’ ready meals company in Blackpool to further expand our Food Hygiene client base and were awarded the Head Office cleaning for a global financial institution based in Bradford, following a successful tender process. Well done everyone & Happy Christmas!

November 2014
Active invest in local cleaning company! - November sees Active acquire Patron Cleaning Services, a well respected Leeds office cleaning company following the decision of the owner to retire. We wish Pat every happiness in her retirement and give a warm welcome to all those new employees to Active.

October 2014
More CQC success! - October sees another Active medical client pass their CQC (Care Quality Commission) inspection with flying colours. Proof again, that Active’s continuous improvement approach is a positive benefit to our clients.

September 2014
New Office! September sees the completion of Active House, the new Head Office building for Active Cleaning next to Junction 42 on the A1.

August 2014
10 Year Employee! August sees the first Active Cleaning employee reach ten years of service with Active Cleaning Ltd. Nikki Linder the Office manager started as a cleaner and has progressed in various roles to her current position as part of the Senior Management team. Congratulations Nikki & we hope she is the first of many.

July 2014
350 Active Employees! July sees the number of employees reach 350 employed at Active Cleaning Ltd across Yorkshire and Greater Manchester..

June 2014
Year on year organic growth continues! Active Cleaning exceed 2.5 Million Turnover P.A in 2013 -2014 Accounts.

May 2014
Investment in the Manchester office continues! This month sees the introduction of a dedicated Telemarketing team appointed to the Manchester branch, to further strengthen the cleaning services offered across the Greater Manchester region.

May 2014
Active cleaning secure a multisite medical cleaning contract with a prominent dental provider! A major chain of dentists chose Active Cleaning as their approved cleaning contractor following the success of Active’s CQC plans and quality systems with other medical clients.

April 2014
Wage Payment Date Change! Following the announcements in the January and March Newsletters, April sees the wage payment date for all staff move to the 12th of each month.

March 2014
Pension staging date arrives! Active Cleaning commences automatic pension enrolment for all staff, via NOW pensions.

February 2014
Care Quality Commission(CQC) inspectors pass Active Cleaning medical clients! Active Cleanings bespoke cleaning plan and procedures proved successful in satisfying the CQC’s Outcome 8 requirements and help our clients pass their recent CQC inspections.

January 2014
Planning permission approved! Active have been given the go ahead to develop the new head office building, which keeps us on track for an August move date. 

January 2014
‘Now Pensions’ appointed as new pension provider! With the March 2014 auto enrolment date approaching, Active Cleaning moved to a new pension provider to benefit all employees with more flexibility and reduced costs.

December 2013
Manchester expansion continues! The Manchester region continues to expand with the appointment of a new local sales executive for the Manchester and North West region.

November 2013
IIP Status Retained! Active Cleaning are reassessed and are delighted to retain IIP(Investor In People) accreditation, with very positive assessor feedback.

October 2013
Safecontractor Status Retained! Active Cleaning are reassessed and are pleased to retain Safecontractor accreditation, the widely respected Health & Safety accreditation for industry professionals.

September 2013
Supervisor Training Programme Launches! The new Active Cleaning Supervisor Training Programme is launched across the business, with immediate positive feedback from Site Supervisors and Area Supervisors.

August 2013
New Offices! Active Cleaning acquire a new Leeds based head office building. The estimated time to occupation is within 12 Months.

July 2013
Royal Approval! Active Cleaning receive thanks from client at Dovecote Park for work prior to the visit of HRH Prince Charles.

July 2013
Pension Notices! All Active Cleaning employees receive statutory notices regarding Pension enrolment.

June 2013
Training Team! Active Cleaning team appointed to implement new supervisor training programme.

May 2013
new Uniforms Look Great! Active Cleaning Area Supervisors receive positive feedback following introduction of new uniforms.

April 2013
£2Million! Active Cleaning exceed 2 Million Turnover P.A in 2012 -2013 Accounts.

March 2013
HMRC Cmpliant! Active Cleaning successfully test compliance with the new directive from Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) for Real Time Information (RTI), ahead of the implementation deadline 1st April 2013.

February 2013
Pension Update! Active Cleaning receive notification from the Pensions Regulator for a staging date of 1st February 2014, for automatic pension enrolment for all Active Cleaning Ltd eligible employees.

February 2013                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11 Years Old! Active celebrates 11 years of trading. Well done everyone!

January 2013
New Department! Active Cleaning create a new Business Support Department to further support our management teams service to customers.

Get in Touch

Head Office

  • 01977 689 271
  • Active Cleaning Limited
    Active House
    Selby Fork
    South Milford
    LS25 5LF


  • Yorkshire
  • North West
  • East Midlands

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